Input channel – Allen&Heath XONE 62 User Manual
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XONE:62 User Guide
Input Channel
These controls adjust the level and tone of each source before they are mixed. Six input
channels are provided. Each has two inputs. CH 1 and 2 are used for microphone or
alternative stereo line source. They provide corrective source equalisation. CH 3 to 6
are used for the turntables or alternative stereo music sources and can be routed
through the crossfader and VCF effects stage. These provide effective equalisation to
creatively shape the sound during performance.
1 AUX send. Adjusts the level of the channel
signal to the stereo Aux output. Turn fully
anticlockwise to turn the signal off, fully clockwise
for a maximum +6dB boost. The normal ‘0’ position
is marked.
2 PRE switch. With the switch in its up position
the signal to the Aux mix is sourced post-fader.
This means that the Aux send follows the channel
fader movements. Press the switch to source the
send pre-fader. Set in this way the fader has no
affect on the Aux level.
Post-fade sends are typically used to send channel
signals to effects devices such as reverb
processors. The amount of signal sent to the device
follows the fader level. The processed (wet) signal
returned to the mix elsewhere is therefore in
proportion to the direct (dry) signal regardless of
fader position. This could, for example, be used to
add ambience to the DJ or guest vocal mic.
Other post-fade uses include special recording or
zone feeds. Note that the channel post-fade sends
do not follow the crossfader setting. Use the
XFADE Aux send instead if the level should be
affected by the crossfader.
Pre-fade sends are typically used to feed monitor
speakers such as stage foldback. Here, it is
important that fader changes made to balance the
house mix do not affect the monitor levels.
When working with a sampler effects device you
could use either post or pre setting. If you wish to
cue the sampler effect before raising the source
fader into the mix then set it pre-fade. Use the
sampler return channel fader to bring up or remove
the effect from the mix.
You can use the Aux mix to cue your music
when beat or cut mixing. Set all sends pre-fade and
select the headphones monitor AUX switch to listen
to the selected channels. This lets you listen to the
effect of mixing the sources or matching the beat
before you bring it into the house mix.