AirLive WHB-5854A User Manual
Page 47

AirLive WHB-5854A Wireless Outdoor Bridge
7.2.4 Connecting the cable
An Ethernet cable connects to the power over Ethernet (P.O.E.) output port.
Another Ethernet cable (RJ – 45; the crossover cable) connects to the Power over
Ethernet (P.O.E.) input port. The POE AC Adapter supplies the AC power to the
bridge system.
7.2.5 General Antenna and Safety Tips
When installing an antenna, follow these general tips:
For most elevated antenna installations, we recommend you to ask the
professional installers for proper installation and safety.
For the safety reasons, you are recommended never to touch a high-gain
antenna when it is transmitting or point it at any part of your body.
Please, follow carefully the instructions with your antenna.
Keep antennas away from metal objects/obstructions (heating and
air-conditioning ducts, large ceiling trusses, building superstructures, and
major power cabling runs).
Use a directional antenna when you establish a link between two buildings.
A directional antenna must be properly aligned to the point at the other
Locate an omnidirectional antenna in the middle of the desired coverage
area if possible.
Place the antenna as high as possible to increase the coverage area.
Outdoor antennas should be mounted at a sufficient height to prevent the
radio path from above the obstructions such as trees and buildings.
Antenna towers should keep a safe distance from overhead power lines.
The recommended safe distance is twice the tower height.
Use the special ground rods and follow the National Electrical Code for the
outdoor antenna and tower grounding properly.
To prevent water from entering into the antenna cable and be sure to seal
all external cable connectors using commercial products just like coax
compatible electrical tape and Coax-Seal.