AirLive SNMP-GSH2402 User Manual
Page 105

It is Normal Registration. The Registrar responds normally to
incoming GARP messages. The default setting is Normal.
It is Registration Fixed. The Registrar ignores all GARP
messages, and all members remain in the registered (IN)
It is Registration Forbidden. The Registrar ignores all GARP
messages, and all members remain in the unregistered
(EMPTY) state.
Restricted Mode:
This function is used to restrict dynamic VLAN be created when this port
received GVRP PDU. There are two modes, disable and enable,
provided for the user’s choice.
In this mode, the switch dynamic VLAN will be created when
this port received GVRP PDU. The default setting is Normal.
In this mode, the switch does not create dynamic VLAN when
this port received GVRP PDU. Except received dynamic
VLAN message of the GVRP PDU is an existed static VLAN in
the switch, this port will be added into the static VLAN
members dynamically.
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