AirLive POE-200CAMv2 User Manual
Page 71

AirLive POE‐200CAMv2 User’s Manual
Remove Image
Remove all the configuration of a selected camera image.
Image Alarm
Activate Alarm Action
Step1】Start Alarm Action
Select the Image icon of a LanCam/Video Server in
the System Setup area, and click Alarm Action button
from the Menu Bar to bring up the Alarm
Action window.
Step2】Select the Alarm Activation Type
It is disabled by default you can change to “Always” to
turn it on, or “Schedule” to activate it per schedule
defined in Schedule Setting.
Step3】The “Holiday” Option
“Holiday” check box only works with Schedule, you may click to check “Holiday” to activate alarm action full day
during holiday, regardless the scheduled time in previous setting. The holiday is also user-definable. (Please refer
to Section Holiday Setting)
Step4】The “Alarm Interval”
Configure the number of seconds between alarms. If successive alarm occurred during this interval, it will be
ignored. The total seconds of pre-alarm and post-alarm are suggested to be the minimum of alarm interval.
Step5】Click “Add”… to add new Alarm Action.(Detail please refers to Section LanCam Setting –
Image Alarm)
Step6】Click “OK” to save all alarm action configuration (including “Add”, “Modify”, “Remove” and “Copy”) and
dismiss this window. Click “Cancel” to ignore all configurations and dismiss this window.