AirLive POE-200CAMv2 User Manual
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AirLive POE200CAMv2 User’s Manual
network number or address, and some other part will represent the local machine address.
See also IP (Internet Protocol).
See VOP.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) -
Together with the GIF file format, JPEG is an image file type commonly used on the web. A JPEG image
is a bitmap, and usually has the file suffix '.jpg' or ".jpeg." When creating a JPEG image, it is possible to
configure the level of compression to use. As the lowest compression (i.e. the highest quality) results in
the largest file, there is a trade-off between image quality and file size.
kbit/s (kilobits per second) -
A measure of the bit rate, i.e. the rate at which bits are passing a given point. See also Bit rate.
LAN (Local Area Network) -
A LAN is a group of computers and associated devices that typically share common resources within a
limited geographical area.
Linux -
Linux is an open source operating system within the Unix family. Because of its robustness and
availability, Linux has won popularity in the open source community and among commercial application
MAC address (Media Access Control address) -
A MAC address is a unique identifier associated with a piece of networking equipment, or more
specifically, its interface with the network. For example, the network card in a computer has its own MAC
Manual iris -
This is the opposite to an auto iris, i.e. the camera iris must be adjusted manually to regulate the amount
of light allowed to reach the image sensor.
Mbit/s (Megabits per second) -
A measure of the bit rate, i.e. the rate at which bits are passing a given point. Commonly used to give the
"speed" of a network. A LAN might run at 10 or 100 Mbit/s. See also Bit rate.
Monitor -
A monitor is very similar to a standard television set, but lacks the electronics to pick up regular
television signals.
Motion JPEG -
Motion JPEG is a simple compression/decompression technique for networked video. Latency is low
and image quality is guaranteed, regardless of movement or complexity of the image. Image quality is
controlled by adjusting the compression level, which in turn provides control over the file size, and
thereby the bit rate. High-quality individual images from the Motion JPEG stream are easily extracted.