AirLive NAS-235 User Manual
Page 48

5. Administration
43 AirLive NAS-235 User’s Manual
Day of the schedule. If you want Download Manager to run in
specified period every day, you need select "Every Day", or you can
select others to limit Download Manager to run on one specified day.
Time of the schedule. If selection of Day is not "Every Day", the End
Time cannot be after Start Time.
E-Mail Alert
Send E-Mail...
Check this to enable the sending of e-mail alerts by the NAS. Alerts
will be sent when there is some problem requiring the
Administrator's attention.
E-Mail Address
Enter from 1 to 3 E-Mail Addresses. The messages generated by
the NAS will be sent to these destinations. Note that special
characters (e.g. " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > ' `) cannot be used in them.
From Address
Specify one E-Mail Address that appear in the "From" field of e-mail
alert generated by the NAS. Usually it's helpful for e-mail alerts to
avoid being filtered as junk mails.
Subject (Optional)
Enter the text you wish to appear in the "Subject" field of e-mail alert
generated by the NAS. Note that special characters (e.g. " / \ [ ] : ; |
= . , + * ? < > ' `) cannot be used in it.
Send Test Mail
Send test mail to specified e-mail address to verify whether the
e-mail address can be reached.
Use Specified SMTP
Mail Server
You can specify one SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) server
to be used to send E-Mail. It's optional.
SMTP Mail Server
Specify the address of the SMTP Mail Server.
SMTP Port Number Specify the port number used by SMTP server. It's 25 by default.
Mail Server requires
If the SMTP Server requires a "login" in order to send mail, check it
and enter your login name and password for the SMTP server. This
is usually the same as the POP3 server used to receive e-mail.
Meanwhile, you need specify the "From Address" as the E-Mail
Address that is correlative with the Account Name.
Account Name
Specify the login name that is used to login the SMTP server.
Specify the password that is used to login the SMTP server.