AirLive CamPro Express 64 User Manual
Page 11

2.1.11 After entering the login User Name and Password for the IP
camera, click on the
icon for inquiring the configuration of
the desired IP camera. You might further configure the IP camera
as the explanation below.
Channel: Assign a channel number to this IP camera.
CH Name: Give this IP camera a meaningful name, like Front Door,
Lobby and so on.
User Name: The user account for login to the IP camera.
Password: The password of the user account above.
Video Port: Change the video streaming port of the IP camera.
Please do not change this value unless necessary.
Format: Select the video compression format of this IP camera.
Resolution: Select the video resolution of this IP camera.
MAX. FPS: Configure the maxima FPS of the IP camera.
Rate Control: Switch between VBR and CBR for bit rate control