Read & heed – JLG 120HX ANSI Operator Manual User Manual
Page 5

– JLG Lift –
All procedures herein are based on the use of the
machine under proper operating conditions, with no
deviations from original design intent... as per OSHA
regulations and applicable ANSI standards.
The ownership, use, service, and/or maintenance of
this machine is subject to various governmental and
local laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of
the owner/user to be knowledgeable of these laws
and regulations and to comply with them. Owner/
user/operator/lessor and lessee must be familiar
with Sections 6,7,8,9, and 10 of ANSI A92.5-1992.
These sections contain the responsibilities of the
owner, users, operators, lessors, and lessees con-
cerning safety, training, inspection, maintenance,
application and operation. The most prevalent regu-
lations of this type in the United States are the Fed-
eral OSHA Safety Regulations*. Listed below, in
abbreviated form are some of the requirements of
Federal OSHA regulations in effect as of the date of
publication of this handbook.
The listing of these requirements shall not relieve
the owner/user of the responsibility and obligation
to determine all applicable laws and regulations and
their exact wording and requirements, and to com-
ply with the requirements. Nor shall the listing of
these requirements constitute an assumption of
responsibility of liability on the part of JLG Indus-
tries, Inc.
1. Only trained and authorized operators shall be
permitted to operate the aerial lift.
2. A malfunctioning lift shall be shut down until
3. The controls shall be plainly marked as to their
4. The controls shall be tested each day prior to
use to determine that they are in safe operating
5. All personnel in the platform shall, at all times,
wear approved fall protection devices and
other safety gear as required.
6. Load limits specified by the manufacturer shall
not be exceeded.
7. Instruction and warning placards must be legi-
8. Aerial lifts may be field modified for uses other
than those intended by the manufacturer only if
certified in writing by the manufacturer to be in
conformity to JLG requirements and to be at
least as safe as it was prior to modification.
9. Aerial lifts shall not be used near electric power
lines unless the lines have been de energized
or adequate clearance is maintained (See
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.67 and 1926.453).
10. Employees using aerial lifts shall be instructed
on how to recognize and avoid unsafe condi-
tions and hazards.
11. Ground controls shall not be operated unless
permission has been obtained from personnel
in the platform, except in case of an emer-
12. Regular inspection of the job site and aerial lift
shall be performed by competent persons.
13. Personnel shall always stand on the floor of the
platform, not on boxes, planks, railing or other
devices, for a work position.
*Applicable Federal OSHA regulations for the
United States, as of the date of publication of this
manual, include, but are not limited to, 29 CFR
1910.67, 29 CFR 1926.20, 29 CFR 1926.21, 29 CFR
1926.28, and 29 CFR 1926.453.