JLG 45e ANSI Operator Manual User Manual
Page 11

– JLG Lift –
Trip and Fall Hazards
JLG Industries, Inc. requires that all persons in the plat-
form wear a full body harness with a lanyard attached to
an authorized lanyard anchorage point while operating
this machine. For further information regarding fall protec-
tion requirements on JLG products, contact JLG Indus-
tries, Inc.
• Prior to operation, ensure all gates are fastened and
secured in their proper position. Identify the desig-
nated lanyard anchorage point(s) at the platform and
securely attach the lanyard. Attach only one (1) lan-
yard per lanyard anchorage point.
• Keep both feet firmly positioned on the platform floor at
all times. Never position ladders, boxes, steps, planks,
or similar items on unit to provide additional reach for
any purpose.
• Never use the boom assembly to gain access to or
leave the platform.
• Use extreme caution when entering or leaving plat-
form. Ensure that the boom is fully lowered. Face the
machine when entering or leaving the platform.
Always maintain “three point contact” with the
machine, using two hands and one foot or two feet and
one hand at all times during entry and exit.
• Platform-to-structure transfers at elevated positions are
discouraged. Where transfer is necessary, enter/exit
through the gate only with the platform within 1 foot
(0.3m) of a safe and secure structure. 100% tie-off is
also required in this situation utilizing two lanyards.
One lanyard must be attached to the platform with the
second lanyard attached to the structure. The lanyard
connected to the platform must not be disconnected
until such time the transfer to the structure is safe and
• Keep oil, mud, and slippery substances cleaned from
footwear and the platform floor.
Electrocution Hazards
• This machine is not insulated and does not provide
protection from contact with an electrically charged
• Maintain safe clearance from electrical lines, appara-
tus, or any energized (exposed or insulated) parts in
accordance with the Minimum Safe Approach Distance
(MSAD) as specified in Table 1-1. Allow for machine
movement and electrical line swaying.