Eppendorf operating manuals feedback – Eppendorf Research pro User Manual

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We regularly assess our operating manuals. It is important that they meet your needs and
expectations. As a user, your opinion is highly valued. Therefore you have the possibility to
evaluate the quality of our operating manuals and to tell us your opinion. Please use our online
questionnaire on and receive ep-points as a smal thankyou for your
participation or send your replies to us either by fax or mail to:
Eppendorf AG

Fax: ++49 - 40 - 53 80 18 40

Technical Writing / HH-UT

D-22331 Hamburg

Which document do you refer to?



Document ID:


(found on the second or last page of the manual, e.g. MixMate / B 5353 900.015-01/0506)

Language of the manual:

How often do you use this manual? regularly

, frequently  , rarely  , never 

Please check, where applicable:


: good


: average


: unsatisfactory


: don't know


Is the manual readily understandable?

- . / 


How do you find the structure of the manual?

- . / 


How easily can you find information? (by table of contents, index etc.)

- . / 


How useful are the figures?

- . / 


Would you like to have:

more figures

- . / 

more text

- . / 

no change

- . / 


How happy are you with the

print of the manual?

- . / 

binding of the manual?

- . / 

color of the manual?

- . / 


Remarks and suggestions (e.g. missing or too much content)

as well as statements, particularly for critical ratings in 1) to 6).

Job title:


(for possible further inquiries only)

Eppendorf Operating Manuals Feedback Seite 2 Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2008 5:30 17