Aries Automotive 7549 User Manual

Page 2

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Page 2 of 4 5/10/11 Rev 1(DP)

(Fig 1) Passenger side Bracket
installation pictured from below

Fig 2


Insert 8mm Hex Bolt and
Washer in from the outside
and through the factory
hole in the frame channel

Place Bracket on inside
of frame channel and line
up this hole in Bracket
with Hex Bolt and Washer

8mm Lock Washer
8mm Flat Washer
8mm Hex Nut




Fig 3

Back of bumper


necessary to loosen and adjust the location of the Frame Brackets on the frame channel. Retighten the
hardware bolting the Mounting Brackets to the frame only once fully satisfied with the adjustment.

a. Tucson models: Remove the front license plate and plastic bracket. Bolt the License Plate

Relocation Bracket, (if required-available separately), to the threaded insert in the bottom of the
cross bar with the provided (1) 6mm x 20mm Hex Bolt, 6mm Lock Washer and 6mm Flat
Washer. Bolt the license plate to the Bracket with the hardware included with the Relocation Kit.

5. Once the Sport Bar has been properly aligned and adjusted, tighten the Frame Bracket hardware only

including the U-Bolts. Remove the Sport Bar, (leave Frame Brackets in place-, (Figure 8)). Hold the
factory splash guard up in its original position, (Figure 9). Mark the Frame Bracket location onto the back
of the splash guard and cut an approximately 10mm x 100mm slot out of each side of the splash guard,
(Figures 10A & 10B). Make many small cuts to get the best fit possible. IMPORTANT: To maintain the
splash guard's strength, do not cut completely through the front edge of the splash guard. Only remove
enough material from the splash guard to clear the Brackets. Reinstall the splash guard over the
Brackets using the factory hardware.

6. Bolt the Sport Bar to the Frame Brackets with the 10mm hardware described in Step 5, (Figure 8).

Adjust and align the Sport Bar if necessary and tighten all hardware.

7. Do periodic inspections to the installation to make sure that all hardware is secure and tight.

To protect your investment, wax this product after installing. Regular waxing is recommended to add a protective layer
over the finish. Do not use any type of polish or wax that may contain abrasives that could damage the finish.
For stainless steel
: Aluminum polish may be used to polish small scratches and scuffs on the finish. Mild soap may be
used also to clean the Sport Bar.
For gloss black finishes: Mild soap may be used to clean the Sport Bar.

Passenger Side Installation on Kia Sportage Pictured


8mm Hex Bolt
8mm Flat Washer