Aries Automotive B35-2002 User Manual

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To protect your investment, wax this product after installing. Regular waxing is recommended
to add a protective layer over the finish. Do not use any type of polish or wax that may contain
abrasives that could damage the finish.
For stainless steel
: Aluminum polish may be used to polish small scratches and scuffs on the
finish. Mild soap may be used also to clean the Bull Bar.
For gloss black finishes: Mild soap may be used to clean the Bull Bar.

Driver Side Installation Pictured

Remove (2) factory
hex nuts on outside
of frame

Insert 12mm Spacer Washer
between the Mounting
Bracket and the frame


Spacer Washer will
cover this opening in
the end of the frame

(Fig 4) Driver Side Bracket Pictured

Fig 3

Fig 2

Fig 1

Factory hex nuts

10mm x 120mm Hex Bolt
10mm x 30mm Large
Flat Washer

12mm Spacer

10mm x 20mm
Small Flat Washer
10mm Lock Washer
10mm Hex Nut
