Spyclops SPY-DVR4960 User Manual User Manual

Page 12

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3.6.1 PPPOE setup:

Note: PPPoE is for use with dial-up and DSL connection.

PPPoE function: select “√” to enable and start using PPPoE dial-up.

PPPoE user: Input the user name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider) into edit


PPPoE password: input the password of your ISP into edit box.

3.6.2 DDNS setup:


This option is for remote DVR access using a customized URL that you choose. The

two main sites that are supported are and Each one has their own

pros/cons so it is suggested to research both to find the one that you prefer.

DDNS: Click “√” in check box to enable. Select the dropdown box and choose

noip or dyndns. Input the URL that was assigned to you when you set up your

account, and then enter the username and password for your DDNS account.

Click “OK”. Don’t forget to right click twice to save changes.

3.6.3 E-mail setup:

E-Mail Function: Select to enable email options.

SMTP Server: Do a search for your email provider’s SMTP server (ex: and enter the full address here.

Port: Enter the port number that is returned from your SMTP server search (ex.

Yahoo = 465).

Username: Your email username (full email address).

Password: Your email password.

Encryption Type: This information can also be found in your email providers

SMTP search.

Sender, sendee 1, sendee 2: “Sender” will be your email address and “Sendee”

will be the email you want the email to go to.

Subject: What you want your emails subject line to be.

Interval: Select this option if you want an automatic email sent periodically with

screenshots in seconds

*Note: there are 3600 seconds in an hour.

This manual is related to the following products: