Apple Compressor or Qmaster Batch Monitor User Manual
Page 8

Viewing or Changing Batch Status for Distributed Processing
To view or change batch status:
Open the Batch Monitor in one of the following ways:
 Administrators who want to see or modify the status of batches: Choose Cluster >
Batch Monitor when Apple Qadministrator is open.
 Users who want to see the status of batches and modify the status of their own
batches: Use the Batch Monitor that opens after you submit a batch, or double-click
the Batch Monitor icon in the Utilities folder.
Choose the cluster you want to see from the Cluster pop-up menu.
If you don’t see any batches in the cluster, and the lock icon in the Lock button is
closed, click the Lock button and then enter the cluster administrator password or
cluster user password in the dialog that appears. (These passwords are created with
Apple Qadministrator or with the Apple Qmaster pane in System Preferences. See the
Distributed Processing Setup guide for more information.)
View the batch processing details and take any necessary action:
Note: By default, some columns are not displayed. (In Batch Monitor Preferences, you
can choose which columns to display.)
 To pause or delete a job or batch, select it and click the Stop or Delete button. To
restart a job or batch, select it and click Resume.
 Click the disclosure triangle next to a batch name for information about individual
jobs, and the triangle next to the job name to see any segments into which a job has
been subdivided.
 Click the disclosure triangle next to a batch name in the History table to see if
individual jobs in the batch transcoded successfully.
If the Status column for a batch or job in the History table displays Successful, it was
successfully completed. If not, text describing the status appears there.
UP01079BMH Page 8 Monday, March 14, 2005 5:30 PM