Video controller tests – Apple Server Diagnostics User Manual
Page 54

Server Diagnostics Test Reference
Video Controller Tests
To run these tests, a display must be attached to any graphics cards being tested. The
displays can’t be in sleep. For example, if you have two graphics cards, they both need
a display attached and both displays must not be in sleep.
Estimated completion time
OpenGL Point
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D point test.
OpenGL Line
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D line test.
OpenGL Triangle
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D triangle test.
OpenGL Quad
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D quadrilateral test.
OpenGL Quad with Texture
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D textured quadrilateral test.
OpenGL Rectangle
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 2D rectangle test.
OpenGL Cube
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 3D cube test.
OpenGL Cube with Fog
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 3D cube with fog test.
OpenGL Wireframe
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 3D wireframe test.
OpenGL Solid Red Model
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 3D solid red model test.
OpenGL Solid Red Model with
10 seconds
Verifies video controller using
a 3D solid red model with
fog test.
Fragment Instruction
2 minutes
Tests every instruction of the
ARB fragment program.
Vertex Instruction
1 minute
Tests every instruction of the
ARB vertex program.