Soloist – Apple GarageBand Jam Pack: Voices User Manual
Page 5

Eastern Solo
One of the more interesting recent developments of the world music phenomenon is
the use of Eastern-style vocals in popular music. From its origins in the traditional
music of South Asia, this highly sensual and expressive style of singing has become
familiar to modern listeners through its use by pop artists as diverse as Sting and
Thievery Corporation, and has additionally become associated with its use in Indian
“Bollywood” films.
Synth Soprano Solo
The soprano voice is the highest and the most prominent vocal part in both classical
and popular music. Voices includes a special Synth Soprano Solo instrument that
blends the natural sound of the soprano voice with a contemporary synthesized
texture. This instrument can be used for projects in techno, trance, and other electronic
music styles, or to add an atmospheric feeling to projects in other genres.
Putting the lips together to produce musical notes is a universal way of creating
melodies, immediately identifiable yet so simple and natural that many people do it
unconsciously. Yet virtuoso traditions of whistling have evolved in different parts of the
world, where there were few resources available for fashioning musical instruments.
Controller Info
Eastern Solo
Mod wheel changes the vowel being sung
(between ah and oo).
Highest velocities add an ornamental “behlava” (like a slow trill).
Synth Soprano Solo
Mod wheel changes the vowel being sung
(between ah and oo).
Mod wheel adds vibrato.
The highest velocities play a tapping sound.