Advice about using mac os x – Apple Mac OS X 10.2 User Manual
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Advice about using Mac OS X
If you have problems starting up
If you cannot start up your computer after you install Mac OS X, insert the Mac OS X
Install Disc 1 CD and restart your computer while pressing the C key. Choose Open Disk
Utility from the Installer menu, then click First Aid to repair the disk and disk
If you have problems starting up your computer and you have devices connected to
your computer such as FireWire drives, USB printers, or external displays, try
disconnecting them before starting up again.
Upgrading Mac OS 9
You should upgrade to the latest version of Mac OS 9. To use Mac OS 9 applications
with the Classic Environment, you need Mac OS 9.1 or later. You can upgrade Mac OS 9
after you install Mac OS X. If you have a Mac OS 9 install CD, you can upgrade within the
Classic Environment. If you want to upgrade using Software Update, you need to start
up your computer using Mac OS 9.
Upgrading your Classic applications and other software
For best results with Mac OS X, upgrade your applications to versions that are built for
Mac OS X. Check the Mac OS X Web site for information about available Mac OS X
You can also check with the developers for the latest versions of your applications.
If you cannot find a Mac OS X version of an application, upgrade to the latest Mac OS 9
version to use with the Classic Environment.
Installing the latest version of the Startup Disk control panel
To switch from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, use Startup Disk control panel version 9.2.2 or
later. A recent version of the control panel is available on the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 CD.
Setting up and connecting to the Internet
If you have an existing Internet service provider (ISP) and you are installing Mac OS X for
the first time, be sure to have your Internet connection information available so you can
enter it after installation finishes. To learn more about the information you need, see
the “Welcome to Mac OS X” PDF on the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 CD.
If you cannot connect to the Internet, contact your ISP to make sure you have the correct
information for Mac OS X.
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