Woodwinds – Apple Using the GarageBand Jam Pack: World Music Instruments User Manual
Page 26

Producing musical tones by blowing into a reed or tube is one of the oldest forms of
music-making and is found in nearly every culture. At first each tube yielded only a
single note (as on the panpipes), but then holes were cut so the player could produce
different notes, and the first flutes and whistles came into being. As wind instruments
developed, some had their mouthpiece on the end (such as the tin whistle, the
recorder, and the Chinese xiao); on others the mouthpiece was along the side of the
instrument (such as the Indian bansuri and the Chinese di zi). End-blown and side-
blown flutes produce somewhat different kinds of tone, and also involve different
playing techniques.
Celtic Tin Whistle
The tin whistle (also called the “pennywhistle”) is a small whistle often made of tin,
brass, or another inexpensive material. It typically has six finger holes and a metal or
plastic mouthpiece. The tin whistle is widely used as a melody instrument in Irish
traditional music. The holes in the sides of the tin whistle produce the notes of a
diatonic scale, but a player can produce accidentals by half covering them. Tin whistles
exist in a variety of sizes and keys, the most common key being D (above middle C).
Fingerings are often referred to in relation to the D instrument. Although a simple
instrument, in the hands of a skilled player the tin whistle can play trills,
fluttertonguing, and highly ornamented melodies.