Apple GarageBand Tutorial: Lesson 3 User Manual

Page 6

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If you move a controller while recording a Software Instrument, the movements are recorded in
the Software Instrument region. You can see the movements you recorded and edit them in the
track editor.

To display controller information for a Software Instrument region:


Double-click the region to open it in the track editor.


Choose the type of controller information you want to see from the Display pop-up menu.

Controller information is displayed as a line with “dots” at different points in time. This is similar to
the volume curves for tracks in the timeline. Each “dot” (called a control point) shows a change in
value (in this case the movements of the controller) at that point in time. You can edit the
controller information by adding new control points, and by adjusting control points to change
their value or to change where in the timeline they occur.

To add a control point:


Click the line in the track editor at the point in time where you want to add a control point.

To adjust a control point, do one of the following:

Drag the control point up or down to a new value.

Drag the control point left or right to move it to a different point in time.


2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

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purpose of learning or teaching to use the software, excluding commercial or paid-for purposes.