Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter Kit User Manual
Page 62

Checking the installation
A good place to begin for resolving problems that arise
during setup is to double-check your installation.
Unplug and reconnect the telephone cable to ensure a good
connection. Check all other connections.
If you are using the Express Modem software, make sure it is
on. Open the Express Modem control panel and check
the setting.
If the On button is not selected, click On. If the On button
does not stay selected, or if the control panel does not
appear, try reinstalling the software.
If you still have trouble, see the resource materials that came
with your Macintosh for a service number to call. Your
service provider can make sure that the modem software is
correctly installed and that your modem is functioning
Checking the telephone line
Make sure your modem is communicating with the
telephone line.
Depending on your computer, open the Monitors and
Sounds control panel or the Sound control panel, and check
that the volume is set above the lowest mark.
By increasing the volume, you can verify both that there is a
dial tone when you try to open communications and that the
modem can dial telephone numbers.
Appendix B