Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter Kit User Manual

Page 112

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Apple Fax features

Apple Fax software supports Group 3 fax send and receive
capability. It allows you to convert any Macintosh document
to fax format and send it to a dedicated fax machine or to
another computer capable of receiving faxes.
Features of the Apple Fax program include

m V.17, V.29, and V.27 ter ITU (depending on your modem)

high-speed, reliable fax send and receive at 14400, 12000,
9600, 7200, 4800, and 2400

m Easy send and forward of fax documents to one or several


m Single-sheet Quick Fax send, with or without enclosures
m Automatic fax resend if transmission fails on first attempt
m Viewing, printing, and editing of faxes
m Personalized fax cover page design
m OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature for converting

all or part of a fax to text

