Apple Cinema Tools 4 New Features User Manual

New features in cinema tools 4, An improved user interface

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New Features in Cinema Tools 4

This version of Cinema Tools includes a number of new features and enhancements
that make it easier than ever to generate film lists, including extensive customization
capabilities and more detailed optical lists. Additionally, there is an improved user
interface that streamlines the database management process.

The most significant of these new features are introduced below. All of these features
are fully documented in the

Cinema Tools User Manual,

available from the Help menu.

An Improved User Interface

Cinema Tools 4 introduces an improved user interface that helps streamline the film
database management process.

List View Window

The List View window now includes a Show All button as well as the Find button that
used to be in the Detail View window.

Use the Show All

button to quickly show

all database records.

Use the Find button to
show only the records
you need.