Necking up, Adjusting the expander die – Hornady New Dimension Custom Grade Dies User Manual
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The elliptical shape of the expander allows the reloader to
expand the mouth of the case as well as “neck up” from one
caliber to a larger caliber without the use of a tapered expander.
The expander is tapered at the top as well as the bottom to
“neck up” in stages. For example, you can use Hornady’s 25
caliber and 30 caliber expanders to neck up from a 22 caliber to
30 caliber.
(Three-die sets only)
The expander assembly is designed to put a slight “bell” or fl are
on the case mouth. For uniform fl aring, trim all case to their
proper length.
To adjust the expander die body, raise th
press ram to its full height with a case i
the shell holder. Thread the expander die
into the press until the expander touches
the case mouth. Raise the handle and sc
down the die in small increments (each
inspecting the mouth) until the mouth o
case has been fl ared just enough to sea
bullet. Tighten the die body lock ring and set screw. Keep in
mind that an excessive fl are can eventually shorten case life,
and may keep the case from properly entering the seating die.