Standard eave trim installation with gutter – Mueller Corrugated Panel User Manual
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Details are subject to change without prior notice.
1. Install the eave trim to the substrate with wafer head fasteners at 5’ O.C.
2. Position the roof panel so that the down slope end matches the dimension called for on the erection drawings.
3. Attach the roof panel with #10 x 1” woodgrip screw. (Refer to screw placement table).
4. Attach the roof panels at the eave with #10 x 1” woodgrip screws - Reference Type 1 Fasteners.
5. Attach the gutter with #14 x 7/8” lapteks @ 12” O.C.
6. Install the gutter strap at alternate 24” with #12 x 7/8” lapteks on the sheet end of strap, and stitch screws,
pop rivets, or lap screws on gutter end of the strap.
NOTE: Alternate trim profiles are acceptable using the screw pattern shown.
OPTION: The overhang illustrated below may be increased to extend up to 4” past the eave trim.
NOTE: To comply with Texas
Windstorm Certification Testing,
#12x11 SDT Type A screws must
be used in place of the #9
Woodgrip screws.