BNC 845-M User Manual
Page 43

Model 845-M Programmer’s Manual V1.1 2011
the inactive state and stops during the active polarity selection state. The active state
can be set high or low. The gate mode works only with an external trigger source.
POINt Upon triggering, only a single point of the sweep (list) is played.
This command selects the active state (gate polarity) of the gate while using the gating trigger mode.
The LOW and HIGH selections correspond to the low and high states of an external trigger signal. For
example, when you select HIGH, the active state occurs during the high of the trigger signal.
When the active state occurs, the Model 845-M starts the waveform playback at the last played sample
point, then stops the playback at the next sample point when the inactive state occurs. LOW
The waveform playback starts when the trigger signal goes low (active state)
and stops when the trigger signal goes high (inactive state).
HIGH The waveform playback starts when the trigger signal goes high (active state)
and stops when the trigger signal goes low (inactive state).
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate|KEY|EXTernal|BUS
This command sets the trigger source.
IMMediate No waiting for a trigger event occurrs
KEY This choice enables manual triggering by pressing the front-panel RFon/off. EXTernal
This choice enables the triggering of a sweep event by an externally applied
signal at the MOD IN connector.
BUS This choice enables triggering over the LAN using the *TRG or GET commands.
This command sets the amount of time to delay the Model 845-M response to an external trigger.
The delay is a path (time) delay between when the Model 845-M receives the trigger and when it
responds to the trigger. The delay does not occur until you turn it on. You can set the delay value
either before or after turning it on.
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative
This command sets the polarity for an external trigger signal while using the continuous, single
triggering mode. The POSitive and NEGative selections correspond to the high (positive) and low
(negative) states of the external trigger signal. For example, when you select POSitive, the waveform
responds (plays) during the high state of the trigger signal. When the Model 845-M receives multiple
trigger occurrences when only one is required, the signal generator uses the first trigger and ignores
the rest.