BNC 845-M User Manual
Page 27

Model 845-M Programmer’s Manual V1.1 2011
(Devices with option PE only)
This command sets the automatic level control into hold mode. The amplitude level control loop is open.
*RST The preset value is 0
:ATTenuation [SOURce]:POWer:ATTenuation
(Devices with option PE only)
This command sets the power range extension attenuator. This command will also turn off automatic
attenuation setting. Refer to
[SOURce]:POWer:ATTenuation:AUTO OFF
for details. Attenuator input RF
power shall be -30…+10 dBm, e.g. using a [SOURce]:POWer:ATTenuation value of 50 dB, the output RF
power range is -80…-40 dBm.
*RST The preset value is 0
[SOURce]:POWer:ATTenuation:AUTO ON|OFF|1|0
(Devices with option PE only)
This command turns the power range extension on or off. Turning it off allows fast power sweeps for
devices featuring an extended output power range.
*RST The preset value is 0
(Devices with option PE only)
This query returns a comma-separated list of available attenuation settings. These can be set using the
Available settings are:
0, 35, 70 dB for option PE2A
0, 10, 20, …, 70 dB for option PE3
0, 10, 20, …, 110 dB for option PE4
0, 35, 70, 105 dB for option PE5