Introduction & warranty, Introduction & warranty introduction, Warranty conditions – Fast & Fluid AT550 User Manual
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© Fast & Fluid Management, AT550
Introduction & Warranty
By selecting a Fast & Fluid Management Color Dispenser you have opted for a produc t which is the result of
intensive research. Top-quality c omponents, craftsm anship and a modern ergonomic design all serve to
guarantee a long service life and a high degree of user friendliness. The m achine complies with Council
Directives 89/392/EEC on machines, 89/336/EEC on electrom agnetic compatibility, and 73/32/EEC on electric al
equipment intended for use within given voltage limits, as enacted by the Counc il of Ministers of the European
Community. The machine is furnished with a CE m ark.
Warranty conditions
In these warranty conditions, 'F&FM' is understood to mean Fast & Fluid Management. The warranty conditions
incorporated into F&FM's general conditions of sale are summarized as follows (for free general conditions you
can contact F&FM):
F&FM guarantees the proper operation of any goods which it supplies, for a period of one year, exc ept where a
breakdown is the result of normal wear and tear. The cost of any inspection activities carried out by F&FM, with
the aim of establishing whether or not a breakdown is covered by the warranty will be reim bursed by the other
party if it transpires that the breakdown is not covered by the warranty. If it transpires that a breakdown is
covered by the warranty then F&FM will supply identical or equivalent goods under the c onditions referred to in
point 6 of the general conditions of sale. The warranty obligation described in this article only applies if the
goods supplied by F&FM have been used in accordance with the m anual. Time spent on warranty-related
activities, including travel time, travel costs and accom modation costs, are charged at current rates.
In contrast to the above, F&FM will not be held to any warranty obligation if:
Repairs have been carried out, or attempted, by the other party or a third party, unless F&FM had
previously declined to repair the goods for a fair price;
F&FM demonstrates that the defect did not em erge during testing;
The other party fails to inform F&FM of the defect im mediately, if possible either by letter and/or by fax,
providing full, accurate details and/or has failed to com ply fully with F&FM's instruc tions;
The other party has failed to use or treat the goods properly or in accordance with F&FM's instructions;
The damage has been caused by incidents, beyond F&FM's supervision, whic h have occ urred either during
transport or installation.
In the following text, the expression "Software" will be understood to m ean the standard c omputer software
supplied by F&FM to the other party, recorded on a c omputer-readable storage medium, plus the acc ompanying
documentation (Software Manual) and inc luding any improved and/or new versions supplied. The expression
"processing unit" (PU) is understood to mean the machine for which and with whic h the Software is supplied,
and which is the sole machine on which the Software may be used.
The other party is authorized to copy the Software either in its entirety, or in part, (up to a m aximum of 2
copies) for purposes of internal security. These c opies will be furnished with the sam e marks, designations
relating to copyright and other registration numbers as the original version of the Software.
The other party will neither amend, translate, decompile nor adapt the Software, nor c onvert it into sourc e
code, without express written permission from F&FM. If the other party so requests, F&FM will provide that
party with the information required to render the Software interoperable with other software.
In the event that the PU experiences a breakdown, the other party m ay use the software on another proc essing
unit until the PU is again operational. The other party will inform F&FM of this within 5 days.
If it is a requirement that the Software be definitively transferred from the PU to another proc essing unit then
the other party shall request perm ission from F&FM, whic h will not withhold suc h permission on unreasonable