Buffalo Technology Buffalo AirStation WLA2-G54 User Manual

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3.1 Introduction

Setting up the AirStation parameters using a Web Browser requires basic wireless confi guration knowledge. For Advanced settings and explanations
of each parameter and its use, see

Chapter 4.

3.2 Setup Overview

The WLA2-G54 is confi gured to function right out of the box. Simple settings for security and MAC Address registration are offered in this section-
Specialized setups for security, fi ltering and other features will be explained in later sections by clicking the

Advanced Button.

3.3 Open the Setup Screen

• Click WEP to enter simple WEP setting to protect your wireless data.


Register for allowable PC’s MAC address - MAC access restric-
tion set up in LAN. Input the MAC addresses that is to be allowed to

MAC address list - Display a table list of all MAC addresses.


WEP to input a password or encryption code

to protect wireless com mu ni ca tions. It is possible to
enter up to 4 different WEPs. The WEP key must match
between two parties for secure com mu ni ca tions.

Examples of WEP key:

64bit ASCII: 5 digits of alphanumeric characters, “ab34Y”

128bit ASCII: 13 digits of alphanumeric characters,

■ Note: ASCII WEP is case sensitive.

64bit HEX: 10 digits, using characters 0-9 and a-f,

128bit HEX: 26 digits, using characters 0-9 and a-f,