Liebherr Downloads User Manual

Page 7

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Preparation of Hydraulic Systems

for Series Deployment

The hydraulic systems used in rail

transport are veritable “workhorses”
and for up to 24 hours a day are ex-
posed to a tough environment in all
weathers and seasons. Dust, dirt, sud-
den fluctuations in temperature, high
temperatures and temperatures well
below freezing are just some of the con-
ditions that the hydraulic systems have
to be able to withstand over many years
while continuing to function perfectly.

This means that their design engineer-

ing not only has to take all these possible
environmental influences and stresses
into account; the engineering also has
to be tested under conditions that are
as realistic as possible, so that excellent
reliability can be guaranteed when the
products enter series production.

Liebherr conducts these tests at its

Lindenberg plant using ultra-modern
facilities and equipment, some of them
developed in-house. The wide exper-
tise and many years of experience
gathered by Liebherr in meeting the
rigorous inspection requirements of the
aviation industry are put to good use in
testing the hydraulic systems for use in
rail transport.

The Lindenberg test center covers

the entire spectrum of testing, includ-
ing performance, endurance, fatigue,
strength, environmental influences and
electrical tests. Depending on the par-
ticular requirements, the tests are con-
ducted on components and at equip-
ment level.

Liebherr gets newly developed prod-

ucts ready for practical deployment in
a very short time by subjecting them
to tests in the HALT/HASS chamber
(HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Test,
HASS: Highly Accelerated Stress
Screen). Aging and wear are artificially
accelerated so that any product defi-
ciencies can be detected as early as
possible and remedied.

In the climate chamber various cli-

matic conditions, including icing, can
be simulated. The resistance of test
objects is investigated under high air
humidity at various temperatures and
pressures. In the temperature cham-
bers, components exclusively are sub-
jected to extreme temperature ranges
from -80°C to +150°C.

HVAC Systems for

“Stansted Express”


for Liebherr

Liebherr-Transportation Systems has

won an order to supply HVAC sys-
tems for the latest electrical multiple
units (EMU) of London Eastern Rail-
way Limited, which are being built by
Bombardier Transportation in Derby,
UK. Liebherr delivers systems which
include saloon and cab HVAC units

Liebherr-Transportation Systems

GmbH & Co KG in Korneuburg (Aus-
tria) and Liebherr-Transportation Sys-
tems Mannheim GmbH (Germany)
have once more received the IRIS-Cer-
tification (International Railway Industry
Standard) in summer 2010.

The IRIS Standard has been estab-

lished by rail vehicle manufacturers
such as for example Alstom, Bombar-
dier and Siemens and is a branch-spe-
cific adaptation of the norm ISO 9001.

plus ancillaries for in total 30 x 4 cars
for Bombardier’s Electrostar Trains.

The operator National Express East
Anglia will provide with this fleet an air-
port express service between London
Liverpool Street Station and Stansted

The certificate is proof that Liebherr

has introduced the according process-
es to ensure quality, risk-minimization,
delivery-performance and customer

Further to the Liebherr sites of

Korneuburg and Mannheim, Liebherr-
Transportation Systems Marica EOOD
in Radinovo (Bulgaria) is IRIS-certified.

Acceptance test bench for level control systems

Acceptance test on universal hydraulic test bench

Tested dampers for a roll coupling system