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Innotrans 2010 • berlin

Liebherr-Transportation Systems
Prepares for the Future
The organizational alignment of the
hydraulic systems product area was
also completed: Liebherr-Transportation
Systems GmbH & Co KG, Korneuburg
(Austria) is now responsible for market-
ing and sales of hydraulic systems and
equipment. Here, the company works
closely together with the development
and manufacturing departments at the
Lindenberg (Germany) site.
The strategic alignment of the manu-
facturing network, which was kicked
off two years ago, was also further ad-
vanced. The new manufacturing site
of Liebherr-Transportation Systems in
Radinovo (Bulgaria) has now been put
into operation. The local company – Li-
ebherr-Transportation Systems Marica
EOOD – is responsible for the series
production of all large-scale European
and North-American HVAC projects. The
joint venture in China, Zhejiang Liebherr
Zhongche Transportation Systems Co.,
Ltd. has successfully increased its pro-
duction program in the field of HVAC
systems for Chinese car manufacturers,
who supply projects within and abroad
of China. In addition, the Korneuburg
production site was restructured in or-
der to optimize performance and qual-
ity, flexibility and high-speed reaction
time and in doing so to contribute to the
company´s competitiveness.
The development departments at the
Korneuburg and Mannheim sites col-
laborate very closely with the prototype
construction in Korneuburg to ensure a
design suitable for manufacturing at an
Within the Liebherr Group´s long-
term strategy, Liebherr-Transportation
Systems promotes the expansion of
the worldwide organization. The new
management has established a strategy
which is based on the aims of Liebherr´s
Aerospace and Transportation Systems
division and is currently being imple-
For the activities of Liebherr-Trans-
portation Systems a process-based or-
ganization was introduced which allows
smooth collaboration across several sites
and ensures that every individual part of
the organization remains responsible for
their tasks and at the same time contrib-
uting to achieving the aims of the entire
company. Here, customer satisfaction
and sustainability are the main focus.
The existing sales and service teams
in Korneuburg (Austria), Mannheim (Ger-
many), Sunderland (Great Britain), Paris
(France), Montreal (Canada) and Zhuhai
(PR China) are expanding their pres-
ence. At the same time, the collabora-
tion with the development and project
management departments is being im-
proved in order to be able to meet the
customers´ needs in an even more suit-
able fashion and to implement the sales
and service strategy which was defined
for the entire Transportation field. Ad-
ditionally, further offices of the Aero-
space and Transportation Systems divi-
sion were included in the strategy, such
as for example the offices in Moscow
(Russian Federation) and in São José
dos Campos (Brazil).
early stage of the project and to meet
the customers´ high demands regarding
quality. Here, the standardization of pro-
cesses across all Liebherr-Transporta-
tion Systems sites has especially proven
its worth. By means of simultaneous
engineering the lead time of the projects
could be shortened even further. The
manufacturing processes are also de-
fined in Korneuburg and are later trans-
ferred for large-scale projects to Radino-
vo. Since spring 2010, teams have been
put together at both production sites
which were trained methodically and live
the continuous improvement process in
a focused and independent way.
As regards products, Liebherr-Trans-
portation Systems has further devel-
oped the air cycle technology, which is
already being used successfully in ICE3
trains. Liebherr shows a model of the lat-
est architecture at its InnoTrans booth.
The system could be further adapted to
the sleek design that is already being
used very successfully in aircrafts.
All employees worldwide do their best
in order to make the visions of Liebherr-
Transportation Systems as global player
and worldwide reference in the fields
of HVAC, hydraulics and power supply
systems for the railway industry a real-
ity. The first results are already visible:
Liebherr-Transportation Systems once
again received the IRIS certificate (Inter-
national Railway Industry Standard) for
the Korneuburg and Mannheim sites in
summer 2010.
Dear Reader,
The railway indus-
try continues on the
fast track of dynamic
growth. While coun-
tries that were partic-
ularly hard hit by last
year’s financial and economic crisis can-
celled or postponed several projects, the
railway industry as a whole is still head-
ing towards growth.
The driving forces behind this growth
are new railway projects on the one hand,
as well as modernisation measures in the
fields of high-speed trains, long-distance
trains for the main routes, and subways
and streetcars on the other hand. Ad-
ditionally, this positive development is
supported by new environmental protec-
tion requirements and the reality of highly
congested traffic in metropolitan areas.
At Liebherr-Transportation Systems,
we will continue to invest in state-of-the-
art technologies, which are the basis of
our future-oriented air conditioning, hy-
draulics and electronics products. And it
goes without saying that we take into ac-
count not only the country-specific and
economic requirements of our custom-
ers but also their individual needs.
To prepare for the future, we have re-
structured our organisation at our main
site in Vienna over the last few years,
set up a low-cost production centre in
Bulgaria and established a joint venture
with Chinese partners. At the same time,
we are continuously investing in our
customer service in order to expand our
activities in this sector.
In the meantime, we have integrated
all the railway activities of our Group into
the Aerospace and Transportation Sys-
tems division. In 2009, the controlling
company of this division, headquartered
in Toulouse, France, changed its name
to Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation
SAS. By including the term ”Transporta-
tion“ in this company name, our Group
demonstrates its commitment to the ac-
tivities in this product area and to their
long-term successful development.
InnoTrans 2010 is, once again, an ex-
cellent platform and opportunity for us
to demonstrate this commitment to our
customers and partners and to show
them our state-of-the-art and innovative
I hope you enjoy reading this year’s
Liebherr InnoTrans magazine.
Sincerely Yours,
Francis Niss
At InnoTrans the Liebherr booth is always well-attended
Information for Partners and Friends of Liebherr-Transportation Systems