Controls – Behringer ROTARY BCR2000 User Manual

Page 16

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Encoder 3 directly selects the most important “Main Control”

parameters. The display indicates them as a (shortened) text

(table 4.2). In this case, these are CCs or NRPNs (no SysEx


Table 4.2: GS/XG Parameter Main Controls

Encoders 5 and 6 let you confine or invert each controllers’

value range.

4.3.3 Settings in the global setup menu

Settings that have an effect on all presets are made in the global

setup menu.

Keep the EDIT key pressed and at the same time press the

STORE key.


You are now in the global setup menu, and can let go of

both keys.


Now, turn the push encoders 1 to 6 to get the desired setting.

This is how the push encoders are allocated:





Operating Mode

U-1 ... U-4, S-1 ... S-3


Global RX Channel

Of f , 1 ... 16


Footsw itch

A uto/Normal/Inverted


Start Preset

1 ... 32, Last


Dev ice ID

1 ... 16


Sy sEx Dump

Single/A ll

Table 4.3: Push encoder allocation in global setup menu

Operating Mode:

The operating modes are described in chapter 4.1. You can

select USB modes U-1 to U-4 and stand-alone modes S-1 to S-

Global RX Channel:

The B-CONTROL receives program change commands on this

Footswitch type:

Because there are different kinds of footswitches (depending

on their switching behavior), the polarity of the footswitch connector

can be set (normal/inverted), or it can be automatically detected

during power startup (auto recognition).
Start Preset Number:

Each of the 32 presets can be selected as the startup preset.

Additionally, with the “Last” function, at startup you have the option

to always load the preset that was used last.

Device ID Number:

You should change the ID number settings only if you work

with several BCF2000s or BCR2000s at the same time, and

problems with recognizing the correct device start occurring during

a SysEx Dump procedure.


Please keep in mind that SysEx Dumps can only be

received at the device number to which they were sent!

SysEx Dump Select:

Turning push encoder 6 lets you select between the current

preset (single) or the entire memory contents of the 32 presets

(all) should be sent as a SysEx dump. One press on encoder 6

triggers the dump.

To exit the global setup menu, press EXIT.


The settings in the global setup menu take effect

immediately and do not have to be separately stored.

4.3.4 Additional functions

Panic Reset:

This function resets the most important MIDI data to their factory


Press EDIT and keep it pressed.


Now press EXIT. The reset is performed as soon as you

press EXIT. “PAnC” (for “Panic”) appears in the display.


As soon as the reset is over, your B-CONTROL goes

automatically into the play mode, and the current preset is

shown in the display.

Data Request:

Current value settings of the MIDI device connected to your

B-CONTROL can be transmitted to your B-CONTROL using the

data request function (provided that the MIDI device supports

this function, and a request command was defined using the editor

software). In this case, the MIDI device doesn’t send data; the B-

CONTROL requests them instead.

Press the LEARN key while the EDIT key is kept pressed.

The request takes place, and the B-CONTROL indicates

the controller values of the receiving MIDI device on the

LED ring or through fader positions.

Snapshot Send:

A Snapshot Send lets you send all current controller values in

order to transmit the B-CONTROL settings to the connected MIDI


Press the “

PRESET” key while the EDIT key is kept

pressed. The B-CONTROL now sends the current controller


Single Preset Dump:

In addition to the SysEx Dump function in the global setup menu,

the following key combination lets you send all settings of the

current presets:

Press the “PRESET

” key while the EDIT key is kept



Snapshot Send and Single Preset Dump differ in the

kind of data that is being sent: With Snapshot Send,

only current control values are transmitted in order to

synchronize them with the connected MIDI device. With

Single Preset Dump, the entire contents of the current

preset including the current control assignments are

sent. With this function, you can easily archive certain

presets, or swap them with other B-CONTROL users.


This manual is related to the following products: