2 “play” mode menu, Controls – Behringer ROTARY BCR2000 User Manual

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Stand Alone-Mode S-3:

Fig. 4.8: Routing and use in stand-alone mode 3

In this mode, MIDI data from the BCF2000/BCR2000 is mixed

with the data coming in at the MIDI input (merge function), but is

exported exclusively on output A. Only control data of the

B-CONTROL is available at output B.

This way, you can control two MIDI devices from your

B-CONTROL, but only the device connected at OUT A can

additionally be played from the MIDI keyboard.
Important information about stand-alone modes:

When connecting this way, parameter values of the controlled

devices can be shown by the LEDs of your B-CONTROL. If

parameter feedback is important, connect MIDI IN to MIDI OUT

of the device you want to control. Of course, the hardware has to

be capable of sending a response about the current parameter

values. If you are not sure, check the equipment’s user manual.

Parameter feedback in stand-alone mode 3 functions when MIDI

output B is used. In all other stand-alone modes, undesired MIDI

loops can occur; control data of the B-CONTROL are transmitted

via MIDI OUT B only in stand-alone mode 3.

If you want to daisy-chain two B-CONTROLs to jointly control

several MIDI devices, you need to connect OUT A of the first

B-CONTROL to MIDI IN of the second B-CONTROL. OUT A of

the second B-CONTROL needs to be connected to the MIDI input

of the effects unit. If additional MIDI devices need to be “talked

to,” please connect the THRU port of one MIDI device to the IN

port of the next MIDI device. This way, with different MIDI channel

assignments, each MIDI device can be controlled from each one

of the B-CONTROLs.

If additional MIDI inputs are needed, then external MIDI merge

boxes must be used. For example, if your sound module only has

one MIDI IN connector, and you want to control if from several

MIDI controllers and from a keyboard, you will need a 2-in/1-out

merge box.

If additional MIDI outputs are required, you will need external

thru boxes. With more complex MIDI setups, thru boxes are

preferred to using longer thru chains to prevent data transmission


Your B-CONTROL can also control your computer via MIDI

(without a USB connection) as long as your computer features a

MIDI interface. In this case, all stand-alone modes can be used.

When using parameter feedback, you must use stand-alone mode 3,

and should connect your computer via MIDI IN and MIDI OUT B,

so that no feedback loop occurs.

If you don’t require the response function during software control,

you can connect as many BCF2000/BCR2000s as you want per

MIDI. The last B-CONTROL in the chain is then connected to the

MIDI IN input of your computer. This way, you can control nearly

as many channels of a software mixer as you wish. However,

keep in mind that all devices must share 16 MIDI channels.

4.2 “Play” mode menu

The “Play” mode menu is the highest menu level in the

B-CONTROL. Use it during normal operation for real-time control

of MIDI data.

After switching on the unit, the current system software version

is briefly displayed. Value changes are shown when using one of

the control elements.
Control elements:

You can use several keys, encoders and faders simultaneously

and send their MIDI data. The classification of MIDI data types is

explained in chapter 4.3. According to its assigned MIDI data

type, each control element shows the current parameter value in

the corresponding LED or LED ring.

The position of the faders changes automatically as soon as

you choose another preset or during incoming parameter

LED display:

The encoder LED ring displays or the status LEDs of the

buttons change automatically when running controller recordings

in a sequencer, provided, of course, all connections have been

made correctly, the correct operating mode is enabled and the

software sequencer supports sending parameter values.

Button illumination varies according to the controller mode: if a

button is in “Toggle on” mode, the button LED illuminates as

soon as the button is pressed. Only when you press the button

once again, the LED goes out. If a button is in “Toggle off” mode,

the corresponding LED will be lit only for the time the button is


The LED rings of the encoders are normally displayed in a

multi-step manner, i.e. turning the encoder from left to right lights

the first LED followed by the next, whereby the first LED goes out

etc. This way, even small value changes can be displayed



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