Installing the safety flag, Hitching your burley to your bicycle – Burley Nomad User Manual
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B U R L E Y T R A I L E R O W N E R ’ S I N S T R U C T I O N A N D S A F E T Y M A N UA L
Installing the Safety Flag
: Join the two flag pole sections together. Insert the flag pole into the
flag pocket on the inside of the left side panel. DO NOT USE YOUR TRAILER
Hitching Your Burley to Your Bicycle
The Burley standard trailer hitch was designed to quickly and safely attach
to virtually all types of bicycles. It is attached to the left rear dropout (the
non-chain ring side) of your bicycle.
1. Remove the quick release lever assembly from your bike and set it aside.
2. Line up the hole on the flat side of the hitch upper arm with the left
rear dropout hole.
. Reassemble the quick release assembly through the hitch and dropout,
but don’t tighten it yet.
. Slide the hitch receiver end of the tow bar between the two hitch side
arms, and line up the holes. The hitch should clear any racks, bags, or
fittings you have on your bicycle. If there is any interference, contact
your Authorized Burley Dealer.
5. Open the retaining pin and insert the pin through the holes.
6. Rotate the pin’s spring clip and close the pin.
. Now tighten the quick release lever, with the lever pointing to the rear
of the bike. When properly adjusted, you will feel resistance halfway
through closing the lever (when the lever is pointing straight out away
from the bike).
8. Wrap the safety strap around the inside of the chain stay twice and then
over the hitch body. Fasten the hook to the D-ring on the underside of the
tow bar end.