16 sample trip, 1 pre-departure – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems Bendix/King Global Positioning System KLN 35A User Manual

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KLN 35A Pilot’s Guide

Basic GPS Operation


Basic GPS Operation

Chapter 3

Effective Date 4/97

006-08791-0000 Rev 2

The vertical buffer serves to “stretch” the SUA area in both directions
(up and down) by the selected buffer altitude. For example, let’s say
you have selected a buffer of 1,000 feet and the actual SUA area
exists from 5,000 feet MSL to 12,000 feet MSL. In this case you will
receive SUA alert messages if you fly at any altitude between 4,000
and 13,000 feet MSL.

CAUTION: It is the pilot’s responsibility to avoid those areas of
special use airspace where ATC clearance to penetrate is
required but has not been obtained. The KLN 35A’s special use
airspace alert is only a tool to assist the pilot and should never
be relied upon as the sole means of avoiding these areas.


We’ve talked a lot about the features of the KLN 35A, and now it’s
time to put those features to work for us and try a sample trip! Our
trip will be from Adams field (KLIT) in Little Rock, Arkansas to Mueller
Municipal airport (KAUS) in Austin, Texas. The weather is perfect
and we decide to make trip VFR and fly direct to Austin.


1. Apply power to the KLN 35A by pushing the power switch to the

ON position.


Verify that the information on the Self Test and Initialization
pages is correct, including the time and date. Enter the altimeter
baro setting. Position the cursor over Ok? and press



approve the Initialization page.

3. Read the Data Base page and acknowledge it by pressing



4. The APT 4 page for Adams field (KLIT), which shows the com-

munications frequencies, is now displayed on the screen since
KLIT was the active waypoint when you last removed power from
the KLN 35A. The first APT 4 page indicates that the ATIS fre-
quency is 125.65 MHz, the pre-taxi clearance delivery frequency
is 118.95 MHz, and the ground control frequency is 121.90 MHz.
After listening to ATIS, we contact clearance delivery for our
clearance out of the Little Rock Class C airspace. Next, we give
ground control a call and receive our taxi clearance.

5. By this time the KLN 35A has reached a NAV ready status. We

can verify this by turning to the NAV 2 page. It shows a valid
present position, in this case 3.8 nautical miles on the 320
degree radial from Little Rock (LIT) VOR.