About ovi store, Find help, In-device help – Nokia X6-00 16GB User Manual

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About Ovi Store

In Ovi Store, you can download mobile games, applications, videos, images, and

ringing tones to your device. Some of the items are free of charge; others you need

to purchase with your credit card or through your phone bill. Ovi Store offers you

content that is compatible with your mobile device and relevant to your tastes and


Find help

For local services and warranty information, see the separate booklet.

In-device help

Your device contains instructions to help to use the applications in your device.

To open help texts from the main menu, select




and the application

for which you want to read instructions.

When an application is open, to access the help text for the current view, select





When you are reading the instructions, to change the size of the help text, select



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You may find links to related topics at the end of the help text.

If you select an underlined word, a short explanation is displayed.
Help texts use the following indicators:

Link to a related help topic.

Find help 23

This manual is related to the following products: