Nokia 9290 User Manual

Page 21

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To sort notes

You can sort notes within a notebook as follows:

1 Press the Menu key, select Tools> Sort by and choose the sort criteria. The options are Creation date/

Last modified date/Title.

2 To choose the sorting order, press the Menu key, select Tools> Sorting order, and choose Ascending

or Descending.


To view Notes preferences, press the Menu key and select Tools> Preferences. A two-page dialog opens.
Define the following:

View Preferences

Show title of entries on – Define whether to display the list view on the left or on the right side in split view.

Note width – Define the width of the note in split view. You can choose a value between 10 and 80%.

Display – Define the date format in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Options are Last update
date/Creation date