Nokia 9290 User Manual
Page 17

Draft view: To select draft view, press the Menu key and select Document> Draft view or Spreadsheet>
Draft view. In draft view, the text of the document or spreadsheet file is displayed in a single font.
Character formatting, paragraph alignment, spacing and tabs are also displayed. Embedded objects are
not displayed in draft view.
Normal view: To select normal view, press the Menu key and select Document> Normal view or
Spreadsheet> Normal view. In normal view, all fonts and embedded objects are displayed as in the
original document.
Page view: To select page view, press the Menu key and select Document> Page view or Spreadsheet>
Page view. In page view the text of the document or spreadsheet file is displayed as in the original
document, including line wrapping, columns, page margins, headers, footers and annotations.
Press the Menu key and select Picture> Fit to width to zoom the image so that it fits the screen width.
Select Picture> Fit to window to zoom the image so that it fits to the screen.
Select Picture> Rotate to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Picture> Reset to original to view the picture as it was viewed when opened.
Archived files
To extract selected files, press Extract. A target folder dialog opens.
To extract all files in an archive, press Extract all.
To view a file in an archive, press View.
You can also sort the items in an archive.
Select Edit> Sort by to define the sorting criteria. The options are Name/Date/Size.
Select Edit> Sort Order to define the sorting order. The options are Ascending/Descending.
Tip: When viewing a text document, you can select text, copy it to the clipboard and paste it in other applications.