Audio channel, Auto format, 3 stretch – Toshiba CV711 User Manual

Page 44: Side panel adjustment, Game mode

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Audio Channel

If stereo or dual language broadcasts are

transmitted, the word

Stereo or Dual will appear

on the screen each time the programme positions

are changed, and then disappear after a few

seconds. If the broadcast is not in stereo, the


Mono will appear.

In the

PREFERENCES menu, press ▼ to


Audio Channel.

Press ◄ or ► to select

Stereo, Dual1,

Dual2, or Mono.

Auto Format

When the television receives a true Widescreen

picture and

Auto Format is On, it will

automatically be displayed in Widescreen format,

irrespective of the television’s previous setting

In the

PREFERENCES menu, press ▼ to


Audio Format.

Press ◄ or ► to select

On or Off.

4:3 Stretch

If the 4:3 stretch is On, the picture size will auto

stretch to 4:3 aspect ratio in Widescreen format.

4:3 Stretch in the PREFERENCES

menu, and press ◄ or ► to select

On or Off.

NOTE: 4:3 Stretch is only activated when Auto

Format is set to On.

Side Panel Adjustment

The Side Panel feature lightens or darkens the

band each side of the screen when in 4:3 or 14:9

format. This helps prevent image retention of the

band and can also make viewing in bright or dark

conditions more comfortable.

In the

PREFERENCES menu, press ▼ to


Side Panel.

Press ◄ or ► to select

1, 2, or 3.

NOTE: This function is not available in DTV


Game Mode

The Game Mode helps to speed up video

response for game application.


PREFERENCES menu, press ▼ to


Game Mode.

Press ◄ or ► to select

On or Off.