Setting cue, Setting loop, Setting cue setting loop – Pioneer rekordbox User Manual

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Setting Cue

Set the Cue Point.

1 Click [f] during playback.

Playback is paused.

2 Click [CUE].

The paused position is set as a Cue Point. The CUE indicator lights up, and the

indicator flashes. Sound is not output at this time.

! When a new Cue Point is set, the previously set Cue Point is deleted.
! When you load another music file, the previously set Cue Point is deleted. See

Save Cue or Loop in the memory on page 9 for how to save a Cue Point.

Returning to Cue Point (Back Cue)

Click [CUE] during playback.

Playback instantaneously returns to and pauses at the set Cue Point.
! To start playback from the Cue Point, click [f].

Checking Cue Point (Cue Point Sampler)

Press and hold [CUE] after returning to the Cue Point.

Playback starts from the Cue Point while you press and hold [CUE].

Setting Cue Point during playback (Real Time


Click [LOOP IN] during playback at the position where you want
to set the Cue Point.

The clicked position is set as a Cue Point.
! When [QUANTIZE] is turned on, the Cue Point is automatically adjusted to

the beat grid near the position where you clicked [LOOP IN].

Setting Loop

1 Click [LOOP IN] during playback at the position (Loop In Point)
where you want to start Loop playback.

Loop In Point is set.
! This operation is not necessary if you have already set a Cue Point as a Loop

In Point.

2 Click [LOOP OUT] at the position (Loop Out Point) where you
want to end Loop playback.

The Loop Out Point is set, and Loop playback starts from the Loop In Point.
! When [QUANTIZE] is turned on, the Loop Point is automatically adjusted to

the beat grid near the position where you clicked [LOOP IN] or [LOOP OUT].

! When the Loop Point is newly set, the previously set Loop Point is deleted.
! When you load another music file, the previously set Loop Point is deleted.

See Save Cue or Loop in the memory on page 9 for how to save a Loop Point.

Canceling Loop playback (Loop Exit)

Click [RELOOP] during Loop playback.

Playback continues after the Loop Out Point without returning to the Loop In

Returning to Loop playback (Reloop)

Click [RELOOP] during playback after Loop has already exited.

Playback returns to the previously set Loop In Point, and Loop playback resumes.

Setting Loop automatically (Auto Beat Loop)

A 4/ 8/ 16/ 32 beat Loop is automatically set from the clicked position correspond-
ing to the BPM of the music file currently being played.

Click [4], [8], [16], or [32] during playback.

Loop playback starts.
! When [QUANTIZE] is turned on, the Loop Point is automatically adjusted to

the beat grid near the position where you clicked [4], [8], [16], or [32].