Apple iPhone/iPhone 3G (User manual) User Manual

Page 150

background image



playing music during slideshow 78
sending photos in email 49
settings 78, 117
syncing 76
using photos as wallpaper 79
viewing slideshows 78
zooming photos 78
See also Camera

photos, syncing 7, 11

taking 80
See also Camera, Photos

PIN number 114
playlists, making 66
play speed, audiobooks 116
plug-ins 115

downloading 122
streaming 122
syncing 7, 10

pop-ups 115
power adapter 16
power, low 33
previewing music 121
problems. See troubleshooting
purchased content, syncing 129
purchasing applications 123
purchasing music 118, 121
Push accounts 13, 102


reading email 50
Recents, using to call someone 36
rechargeable batteries 33
removing the SIM card 139
rented movies 11, 68
repeating 63
replacing battery 33, 145
replying to messages 49
requirements for using iPhone 5
resizing webpage columns 55
restarting 34
restore settings and information 140
restoring iPhone software 141
Restrictions 106

adjusting volume 22, 102
turning on or off 102

ring mode 23, 41, 102
Ring/Silent switch 23, 41, 102

setting 42


creating 42
setting 102
syncing 7

routing calls back through iPhone 45



bookmarking webpages 57
clearing cache 115
cookies 115
Debug Console 115
developer settings 115
Home screen web clips 58
navigating 55
opening webpages 54, 56
plug-ins 115
pop-ups 115
reloading webpages 55
resizing columns to fit screen 55
saving images to your Photo Library 56
searching the web 57
security 115
sending webpage addresses in email 56
settings 114
stopping webpages from loading 55
syncing bookmarks 7, 10
typing in text fields 57
zooming webpages 55

satellite view 87
screen 103

setting to adjust automatically 103
using 23


about 24
maps 85
webpages 55

search engine 114

App Store 123
iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store 118

searching the web 57
searching YouTube videos 81

erase data after ten failed passcode attempts 106
setting passcode for iPhone 106
web 115


email 48
photos from Photos 79
text messages 70

serial number, finding 103, 145
service and support information 144

accounts 110
airplane mode 99
alarms 92
alerts 72, 75
auto-capitalization 108
auto-correction 28, 108