Operating the axis 250s, Accessing and logging on to the axis 250s – Axis Communications 250S User Manual

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Operating the AXIS 250S

AXIS 250S User’s Manual


Operating the AXIS 250S

This section is intended mainly for system Operators, that is, personnel responsible for

using the AXIS 250S as part of e.g. an integrated surveillance system or similar. Although

the topics covered here relate to the everyday running of the system, product
Administrators will also find this section useful reading. The following topics are covered:

• accessing the AXIS 250S MPEG-2 Video Server
• adding and modifying event types
• configuring upload servers
• editing audio and video settings
• checking port and device status
• changing the layout of the Live View page.

For more information on configuring the AXIS 250S at the Administrator level, please refer

to Administration & System Options, on page 26.

Accessing and logging on to the AXIS 250S

The AXIS 250S allows several levels of access and generally requires the user to log on. The

various types allow different degrees of control and some options/controls are not available
at the lower levels. One of the product administrator’s first tasks should be to create and

define the users allowed to access the server. For more information on managing users, see
Users, on page 27.

An operator will have access to the server’s main application page, as well as certain other

functions and controls - in short, everything not included in the System Options, which are
only available to administrators.

The only exception to the logon requirement is if the server has been configured to allow
anonymous viewing access and an anonymous user connects to the server.


Your system Administrator has installed the AXIS 250S on your computer network, connected a surveil-
lance video camera to the unit, and tailored the functions and look and feel of the system to meet your
specific surveillance needs. Consequently, the examples provided here may differ from those displayed in
your system. Any problems with your application should be referred to your system administrator.