Konica Minolta bizhub Secure User Manual
Page 14

bizhub 652/552
Windows Vista/7/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2, which offers enhanced security functions, gives a certificate
error message if the SSL certificate is one that is not issued by a certification body. In such cases, it becomes
necessary to register with Windows Vista/7/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2 the certificate of this machine as that
issued by a reliable party for the computer account.
First, register Host Name and IP address of this machine in the DNS server in advance. Then, in TCP/IP Set-
tings of PageScope Web Connection, set the DNS Host Name and DNS Default Domain Name registered
with the DNS server.
It should also be noted that, for the certificate to be imported, a certificate for SSL encryption communication
should be registered in PageScope Web Connection and exported in advance as the certificate including the
public key.
From "Continue to this website," call the PageScope Web Connection window to the screen.
Click "Certificate Error" to display the certificate. Then, click "Install Certificate" to install the certificate.
Display the physical stores. Then, deploy the certificate, which has earlier been exported, in "Local
Computer" of "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" to thereby import the certificate.
Through additional printer setting, type "https://Host Name.Domain Name/ipp."
For [Host Name] and [Domain Name], specify the names set with the DNS server.
Items of Data Cleared by Overwrite All Data Function
The Overwrite All Data function clears the following items of data.
Items of Data Cleared
User registration data
Deletes all user-related data that has been registered
Account registration data
Deletes all account track-related data that has been registered
Box registration data/file
Deletes all User Box-related information and files saved in User Box
Secure Print ID/Password/
Deletes all Secure Print Document-related information and files saved
ID & Print Document
Deletes all ID & Print Documents saved in ID & Print User Box
Image files
Image files other than Secure Print Documents, ID & Print Docu-
ments, and User Box files
Image files of jobs in the queue state
Data files left in the HDD data space, used as image files and not
deleted through the general deletion operation
Temporary data files generated during print image file processing
Destination recipient data files
Deletes all destination recipient data including e-mail addresses and
telephone numbers
Encryption Key
Clears the currently set Encryption Key
Administrator Password
Clears the currently set password, resetting it to the factory setting
SNMP Password
Clears the currently set password, resetting it to the factory setting
(MAC address)
WebDAV Server Password
Clears the currently set password, resetting it to the factory setting
S/MIME certificate
Deletes the currently set S/MIME certificate
Device certificate
(SSL certificate)
Deletes the currently set Device certificate (SSL certificate)
Network Setting
Clears the currently set network settings (DNS Server setting, IP Ad-
dress setting, SMTP Server setting, NetWare Setting, NetBIOS setting
and AppleTalk Printer Name setting), resetting it to the factory setting