Lenovo K23 Notebook User Manual

Page 111

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Appendix E. Notices


“You” and “Your” refer either to an individual person or to a single legal



You must maintain Your original dated sales transaction document, such as a
receipt, invoice or similar document, as Your proof of Your right to use the
Software Product. The transaction document specifies the usage level
acquired. If no usage level is specified, You may install and use a single copy
of the Software Product on a single hardware product. Your transaction
document also provides evidence of Your eligibility for future upgrades, if
any. For Software Products preinstalled on, included with, or distributed at
no charge for use on a Lenovo hardware product, Your hardware product
sales transaction document is also the proof of Your right to use the Software



The Software Product is owned by Lenovo or a Lenovo supplier, and is
copyrighted and licensed, not sold. Lenovo grants You a nonexclusive
license to use the Software Product when You lawfully acquire it.
You may a) use the Software Product up to the level of use specified in Your
transaction document and b) make and install copies, including a backup
copy, to support such use. The terms of this Agreement apply to each copy
You make. You may not remove or alter any copyright notices or legends of