Transferring pictures and videos to a computer – Kodak 4 MP User Manual

Page 71

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Sharing pictures and videos


Emailing from the Gallery

1 While viewing albums in your EASYSHARE Gallery collection (see

page 63

), select

an album, then press the Share button.

2 Select Email.

3 Touch a name from the list, or touch Add Person to enter a new name.

4 Use the touch keyboard to enter a subject and a message.

5 When finished, touch Done.

The email is sent to the selected person.

Transferring pictures and videos to a computer

You can transfer pictures and videos from your camera to any computer that has
EasyShare software installed. Use the USB cable to transfer automatically, or select
pictures on your camera then select Transfer from the Share menu to transfer over
your Wi-Fi wireless network.


Synchronizing and transferring to a computer, page 51
