Tagging pictures and videos as favorites – Kodak 4 MP User Manual

Page 29

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Organizing and editing on your camera


Tagging pictures and videos as favorites

In addition to arranging your pictures and videos using albums, you can tag pictures
and videos as favorites for easy showcasing of your prized images.

NOTE: Pictures tagged as favorites are automatically transferred to and from your computer and are

updated when synchronizing with EasyShare software (see

page 51


1 In View

, select a picture or video. To select

multiple pictures and videos, use the drawer (see

page 23


2 Touch the Favorite icon,


A blue fill appears in the Favorite icon, indicating the
picture or video has been tagged as a favorite.

To remove the Favorite tag, touch the Favorite
icon again.

3 Press


to scroll through and tag

other favorites.

To view Favorites, see

page 17


Favorite icon