TRITTON Combat Rudder Pedals Pro Flight User Manual
Page 11

Click on the Deadzones tab of the Properties window. You can adjust the deadzones
(i.e., the distance of pedal travel which doesn’t result in a corresponding in-game rudder
movement) of the Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals by clicking on the deadzone axes
and dragging the deadzone indicators to the desired level. To test the new settings,
either click on the Test tab or play a flight sim game.
ProGrammING Your Pro fLIGHt coNtroLLEr wItH Smart tEcHNoLoGY ProGrammING
INtroducING Smart tEcHNoLoGY ProGrammING SoftwarE
Smart Technology (ST) Programming Software is the software supplied to configure
your controller for enhanced functionality. ST delivers a powerful set of features,
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