MSI MS-91F7 2011 User Manual
Page 42
BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Display Full Screen Logo
Ths BIOS feature determnes f the BIOS should hde the normal POST mes-
sages wth the motherboard or system manufacturer’s full-screen logo.
When t s enabled, the BIOS wll dsplay the full-screen logo durng the boot-
up sequence, hdng normal POST messages.
When t s dsabled, the BIOS wll dsplay the normal POST messages, nstead
of the full-screen logo.
Please note that enablng ths BIOS feature often adds 2-3 seconds of delay
to the bootng sequence. Ths delay ensures that the logo s dsplayed for a
sufficient amount of time. Therefore, it is recommended that you disable this
BIOS feature for a faster boot-up tme.
Boot Device Priority
The tems allow you to set the sequence of boot devces where BIOS attempts to
load the dsk operatng system. Frst press
you may use the arrow keys ( ↑↓ ) to select the desired device, then press <+>,
<-> or
USB Drives
Ths settng allows users to set the prorty of the USB devces. Frst press ter> to enter the sub-menu. Then you may use the arrow keys ( ↑↓ ) to select the desred devce, then press <+>, <-> or up/down n the prorty lst. ▶ ▶ ▶