Safety – WIKA T32.xS User Manual
Page 12

11583631.02 11/2010 GB/D/F/E
WIKA safety manual temperature transmitter T32.xS
Application (see table page 11):
Example 1
Sensor type Pt100, configured measuring range = -50 … +100 °C, so configured
measuring span = 150 K.
This is not smaller than 84 K. Thus the Total Safety Accuracy is 2 % FS,
thus 2 % * 150 K = 3 K,
and/or 2 % * 16 mA = 320 μA in terms of the current output
Example 2
Sensor type Pt100, configured measuring range = 0 … 50 °C, so configured
measuring span = 50 K
This is smaller than 84 K, thus the total safety accuracy is 2 K,
thus 2 K / 50 K = 4 %, and 4 % * 16 mA = 640 μA in terms of the current output
2.7 Configuration changes
During the configuration change, the safety function is not active! Safe
operation is only admissible with activated write protection (password).
Carry out configuration changes within the permissible specifications in accordance
with chapter "2.1 Intended use in safety applications".
With the supplied configuration tools, the write protection, and other items, for the
model T32.xS is settable:
WIKA T32 Configuration Software
DTM (from Version DTM Beta version V1.0.2, January 2003) in conjunction with
operating software to the FDT/DTM Standard, e.g. PACTware, FieldMate
hand-held terminal FC475, FC375, MFC4150
The safety function must be checked following any configuration
2. Safety