Kramer Electronics VM-80V User Manual
Page 6

VS-4E - (A precision mechanical 4x4 video/audio switcher) Several video/audio sources may be
connected to its inputs for switching. The machine may be used in every application where easy and fast
video and audio source selection is needed and for high isolation between inputs. All unselected inputs
are internally terminated with 75-Ohm resistors. The VS-4E switches video, SDI and any other high
frequency signals. The VS-4E is housed in a small enclosure, occupying very little desk space.
VS-81AV - (A precision mechanical 8x1 video/stereo audio switcher) Several video/audio sources may
be connected to its inputs for switching. The machine offers fast and easy video/audio source and
acceptor selection. The VS-81AV provides high isolation between inputs and outputs and all unselected
video inputs are internally terminated with 75-Ohm resistors. The VS-81AV is housed in a professional
19" rack mountable enclosure.
VS-801xl- (8:1 Composite or Single Component video & unbalanced audio switcher) Several
video/audio sources may be connected to its inputs for switching. The machine provides truly effortless
switching between eight video and unbalanced audio inputs and one output. Switching is done during
vertical interval, either of source #1 or of the video available on the external sync socket. The switcher
may be controlled by touch buttons or by contact closure via a remote socket on the back of the machine.
Video signal bandwidth is 225 MHz (typical), allowing the machine to be used in the most demanding
TP-1 (video Line Transmitter) If a DA output is sent over a distance of 100 meters or more, it is
necessary to convert the signal to twisted pair type. The TP-1 sends a color video signal over long
distances using telephone wire or any other twisted pair wire thus extending the range of operation of a
DA. The TP-1 maintains the bandwidth of an industrial color video signal up to several hundred meters
and of broadcast quality (up to 12 MHz) signals up to 100 meters. At shorter distances, as in a studio,
bandwidth of 30MHz is easily achieved. By using the KRAMER TP-1 together with the TP-2 (video
Line Receiver) coax wiring (in a studio, for example) can be completely eliminated. The TP-1 can also
be used for simplification of security and CCTV installations, and for teleconferencing in offices and
hospitals using existing unused intercom or telephone wiring.
VA-11 - (video/audio Combiner) Used to distribute video/audio signals. The machine can be inserted in
front of a DA, allowing the DA to distribute a video signal and two audio signals simultaneously. It sends
a color video signal and a stereo audio signal in real time using only one standard coax cable. The
machine maintains the bandwidth of an industrial color video signal and the output signal may be viewed
and recorded as a normal video signal. By using the VA-11 together with the VA-12 (video/audio
Separator) the audio stereo signal may be recovered so audio signals may be sent in a hidden mode, to be
recovered only by the VA-12. The VA-11 can be used for simplification of security and CCTV
installations, using existing video coax wiring for video and audio transmissions.
611T/611R - (611T Fiber Optic Transmitter and 611R Fiber Optic Receiver) Part of the KRAMER
TOOLS series, and designed for studio and other demanding applications, these machines, in
combination, may be used to send one of the distributed channels to distances of 5-25Km. The full
bandwidth 611T
and matching 611R use state-of-the-art fiber optic circuitry and allow the user (via rear
panel trimmers) to adjust input and output video levels and high frequency peaking to achieve best
VIDEO TESTER - A new, unique, patented, indispensable tool for the video professional, the Video
Tester is used to test a video path leading to/from an amplifier. By pressing only one touch switch it can
trace missing signals, distinguish between good and jittery (VCR sourced) signals, and identify the
presence of good signals. Whenever a video signal is missing, because of bad connections, cable breaks
or faulty sources, the Video Tester is all you need.