Overloadrestriction – APC Command Line Interface User Manual
Page 32

Command Reference: Switched Rack PDU Commands
Command Line Interface (CLI) User’s Guide
Syntax to read the overload restriction:
overloadrestriction [phase_number]
Syntax to set the overload restriction:
overloadrestriction phase_number setting
When the overload restriction is set
to on, the command prevents outlets from turning
on while the overload alarm threshold is violated.
• To read the current setting, omit setting in the
command line.
• To change the current setting, include the
phase number and the new value for setting
(on or off) in the command line.
Administrator and device manager
(device-only user).
Output Format when reading the setting:
Overload restriction is setting for phase_number.
Output Format when changing the setting:
Setting overload for phase_number to setting.
Error Messages:
E101, E104
phase_number The number (1, 2, or 3) of the phase
whose overload restriction setting you
want to read or set. If you omit the
phase number when reading the
setting, the command by default reads
the setting for phase 1.
The available settings, on and off, are
not case-sensitive.